Scent Tube Construction
Mar 11, 2024Scent tube carousel construction
I first created the scent tubes over ten years ago in the plumbing aisle of our local Lowe's home improvement store.
I needed something sturdy enough to hold target materials, distractions, and controls, protect the dogs from the materials, and protect the materials from reward/food bits and dog slobber.
I wanted something that was easily cleanable, easy to make and didn't require a lot of machine work.
I wanted something small enough to train the puppies. It turns out it is large enough for working big dogs too.
Several shops sell different versions online now, so if you don't want to make your own, you can buy them.
But, if you have any interest in building your own watch these short videos. At a minimum, you will need a Drill, a small bit for vent holes and a hole saw. I build mine without a drill press and without a vise.